SunGreen web site - Lydbrook and nearby areas.

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Waterloo Colliery, pithead buildings at Upper Lydbrook.

Waterloo Colliery

Waterloo Colliery, Upper Lydbrook.
Margaret added (June 2007): "Began 1841 it was taken over by Lydney and Crump Meadow Colleries 1908. - This information was printed on the back of the photograph".

Rita James added (July 2007): "My grandfather John (Harry) Henry James left Waterloo Colliery around 1927 to come to New Zealand with my grandmother Agnes and father John (Jack) Alan James. His brothers probably worked there as well. Oliver and Howard James".

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WANTED: Old photos, old postcards, ephemera and memories of the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire. U.K.- please click here to make contact.