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Pupils of Viney Hill School c. 1948.

Viney Hill School

A Viney Hill school sports day photo from around 1948.

Row 2: (All those standing- left to right) 1. Alan Morse, 2?, 3. Winifred Haines, 4. Irene Sillet, 5 ?, 6. Michael Budd, 7. Rosemary Lane, 8 Ken Turner, 9 Valerie Lowe, 10 Gordon Roffe.
Row 1 (Kneeling at front): . Molly Rowles, Michael Ruck.

A Viney Hill school sports day photo from around 1948.

Thanks also to Ivor Ellis, Irene James and Chris Ruck

Contact Request

Stuart Lowe would like to contact Valerie Lowe. If you can help, please click the "i" button below and leave contact info..

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WANTED: Old photos, old postcards, ephemera and memories of the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire. U.K.- please click here to make contact.